Looking After  Your Environment Envirowatch

Klaus Armstrong-Braun  Tel. 01244 538638

Amazonia, 8 Eaton Close, Broughton, Chester, CH1 0RF, U.K.




- SCOTLAND: Scottish Natural Heritage
- ENGLAND: Natural England
- WALES: Natural Resources Wales
- DEFRA (Dept. For Environment, Food & Rural Affairs) - , The Overarching Body over the above.

Into the Horizon. Important Cities of Tomorrow

Scientists closing in on source of Shetland tsunamis

Danube Delta Institute Scientific Annals 2016

NERC  The Natural Environment Research Council - is the driving force of investment in environmental science in the UK.

The packaging recycling obligations, July 2018

NERC News: Launch of the RRS Sir David Attenborough hull into River Mersey

The planet’s largest landslides happen on submarine volcanoes

Protecting Europe's nature: more ambition needed to halt biodiversity loss by 2020

Access to European Union law & Search the European Court of Justice

Activities of the European Union - Environment  Protecting, preserving and improving the world around us

Failure to undertake obligations into environmental review

Bray Landfill Decision Oct. 2010

Conygar Quarry Environment assesment enquiry

Consolidated version of the treaty establishing the european community

Considering the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Costs Barriers on Environmental Justice

2005/370/EC: Council Decision of 17 February 2005 on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Community, of the Convention on access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters

Environmental Impact Assessment Oct.2011

Flood and Water Management Act 2010

Groundwater & Sewage Discharges 2007

Our earth what are we doing to it? A speech presented to Chester Rotary Club in Oct 2008 as Mayor of Saltney Town, Flintshire, UK

Wales Biodiversity Partnership - A Living Wales - a new framework for our environment, our countryside and our seas

A Living Wales - a new framework for our environment, our countryside and our seas

Mobile incineration of waste - Complaint 2003 5008

Pollution prevention guidelines _-  Treatment and disposal of sewage where no foul sewer is available

Public participation in respect of the drawing up of certain plans and programmes relating to the environment and amending with regard to public participation and access to justice Council Directives 85/337/EEC and 96/61/EC - Statement by the Commission. Directive 2003/35/EC  May 2003.

Society for Ecological Restoration, www.ser.org,

Defra Subject: Consultation on the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) (Amendment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006

Waste Incineration Complaint to EU Commission (EI26631)

UK Great Crested Newts

ECJ Case C-494/01 on Waste Management Failure in Ireland

Our Once and Future Planet. Book by PADDY WOODWORTH

Principles of Sustainable Development

Restoring the world in the climate change century

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership    Reply from Derek Vaughan MEP

Choosing Direction. Formally adopted December 2013

Failure to fulfil obligations  (see, inter alia, Case C-348/99 Commission v Luxembourg [2000] ECR I-2917, paragraph 8, and Case C-272/01 Commission v Portugal [2004] ECR I-6767, paragraph 29).

Teramo outer ring road enquiry

Law and Your Environment

Final_report_Invasive alien species

Birdlife International

New Forest National Park - Natural England and the wasted EU Funds

2016 letter re threatened wildlife species   

Neonicotinoid pesticides and their potential impact on pollinators

2016 International Law Office (ILO). A series of legal newsletters which provide expert legal commentary in the form of concise, regular news updates.