Klaus Armstrong-Braun (Founder) Tel. 01244 538638

Amazonia, 8 Eaton Close, Broughton, Chester, CH1 0RF, U.K.


E U Law

Federal Nature Conservation. Act* of 25 March 2002

Rail transport: Commission asks the UNITED KINGDOM to transpose the Directive establishing a Single European Railway area

Access to European Union law & Search the European Court of Justice

Consolidated version of the treaty establishing the european community

Ongoing eu environmental infringement cases against ireland

EU pilot is a scheme designed to resolve compliance problems without having to resort to infringement proceedings.

Letter re eu pilot     reply letter of 2 january 2015

Convention on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law

Court draws line between polluter-pays principle and site safety obligations

Environmental impact assessment of projects

How it works: the Parliament’s work explained in videos

Guidance on EIA Scoping

Directive in shipment of waste. EC/1013/2006

Environmental Impact Directive, EU85/337/EEC

Sea Directive 2001/42/EC

Directive 91/156/CEE. The Waste. Management (Collection Permit) Regulations 2001 do not ensure that all waste collection will in fact be carried out under permit

Misinterpretation of Waste Incineration Directive

NI Directive

Council Directive of 7 June 1990 on freedom of access to information on the environment (90/313/EEC)

Ecolex The gateway to environmental law